Let's get acquainted:
Nikitenko Yuliya Valeryevna- cynologist, the judge of the open category.
Nikitenko Sergey Borisovich – cynologist-instructor trainer, the judge on working qualities.
Sergey — winner of the Championship of Russia on IPO, a participant of World Championship FCI and WUSV IPO in the Russian national team in 2013 and 2014
We are the founders and owners of the kennel Nicking-var-Hard. Our kennel was registered in RKF – FCI, the Federation RFLS, is the kennel Club SPb and NPC «German boxer».
We supervise dogs that have been acquired from us, throughout their entire life. The specialists of the kennel give all the necessary advice on caring for the puppies and their growing.
We carefully plan to breeding dogs in our kennel. For the production of offspring, we use only breed animals that have been approved for breeding.
Graduates of our kennel take an active part in exhibitions of different levels, both in Russia and abroad, showing the best results
The greatest value for us - the collective of our kennel, people who are endlessly devoted to the breed. We hold annual traditional shows called "KENNEL DAY", which turn into a real holiday for the owners of our boxers.
We always have a large selection of puppies of high quality of different age and color.